In the heart of the Pacific Ocean, the enchanting island of Maui boasts pristine beaches, lush landscapes, and a vibrant community. However, like any corner of the world, Maui isn’t immune to challenges, and its community spirit shines brightest when times get tough. As many know, the island has faced its share of difficulties, but it’s the remarkable efforts for relief that truly highlight the power of unity and compassion.
In light of recent wildfires on the island, we are proud to support this weekend’s Utah for Maui fundraising event. Taking place at Trolley Square from 10:00am – 10:00pm, the event will feature food trucks, live music, entertainment and more. Please join us for this fundraising event where 100% of all proceeds and donations will go directly to the Hawai’i Community Foundation in honor of Lahaina residents.
Unable to make the event? We will be collecting gift cards for distribution on Maui this week at the front desk. Gift cards to Target, Safeway and Costco are needed most.
In the heart of Maui, amidst its breathtaking landscapes and vibrant culture, a different kind of beauty emerges – the beauty of compassion, support, and unity. Through relief efforts that transcend hardships, Maui’s community proves that the bonds of compassion are unbreakable, and together, they can weather any storm.