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Apr 04, 2023

Green Coworking: Letter from the Desk, April 2023

We are really excited to be launching our new, monthly, series! Sustainability means a lot to us at The Shop SLC, as well as to me personally.  At The Shop, we take pride in being a carbon neutral building, and we try to reduce our footprint daily through offerings like glass recycling, reusable dish ware, and support local. On top of that, we have incredible partners like Wasteless Solutions, Wasatch Community Garden, Momentum Recycling, and GREENBike who are helping us and our community stay as green as possible. However, the work is never done! I am always looking for ways we can bring sustainability into the office, and let it filter into our every day lives.

For life outside of work, I try to incorporate green alternatives as much as I can. When possible, I will walk (or GREENbike) to get around town. On top of that, I always bring reusable bags and Tupperware when I’m shopping to reduce my use of plastic. I also look to support the local economy as much as possible and shop local, as well as shopping at the summer Farmer’s Market. This is also my first year with a community garden plot and I couldn’t be more excited!

The team and myself could not be more excited to share tips, tricks and opportunities with our members and community to keep sustainability front and center this month. With summer right around the corner, more and more people are excited to get outside to our beautiful public lands and city (who blames them after our seven month winter). However, with easy access to the great outdoors comes a responsibility to keep it great. There is so much more I can say and write, but I will spare your feed, ha! However, we live in a really beautiful part of this world and it’s important to try and do our part to help preserve it.

See you at the river clean up!

-Anne Olsen
Community Manager, SLC