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a Tour

May 15, 2023

Here’s Why You Need Natural Light in the Workplace

Why co-working at the Shop is good for your health. Really. Aside from the breathtaking design, the architecture at the Shop is no accident. Award-winning architects Eskew+Dumez+Ripple designed every aspect of the space with the intent of creating a natural light filled environment that optimizes employee productivity and well-being.

Did you know that in a research poll of 1,614 North American employees, it was found that access to natural light and views of the outdoors was the number one desired attribute of the workplace environment, outranking onsite cafeterias, fitness centers, and premium perks including on-site childcare?

It’s widely known that artificial light is not a suitable replacement for natural light and can cause many detrimental health effects ranging from headaches to poor sleep patterns to depression. These effects not only harm you or your employees but will also cause a significant drop in productivity and put them at risk of making errors in their work.

Over a third of employees feel that they don’t get enough natural light in their workspace. 47% of employees admit they feel tired or very tired from the absence of natural light or a window at their office, and 43% report feeling gloomy because of the lack of light.

Large windows, like the large, historic ones at 900 Camp – the building that The Shop occupies, allow for maximal natural light. Not only that, but the clear glass that separates offices allows for even our inner offices without their own exterior windows to receive the same natural light.

And not to skip over the views as important too – we have unprecedented views of museums and galleries that you can’t get from anywhere else in the city!


Last but certainly not least, there are our our hallways. A cue taken from Bell Labs, often considered the most innovative research and scientific development hub in history, long narrow hallways like ours increase the likelihood that when people pass each other they’ll look at eachother and greet one another, increasing happiness, and encouraging collaborative conversations and “creative collisions” among employees from different departments that would not normally interact – a factor that many studies have attributed to a massive increase in innovation. In fact, in 2012, Norwegian telecoms company Telenor decided to investigate the effects of inter-office communication. They found that a 10 percent increase in commingling by salespeople led to a 10 percent increase in sales. This led to a restructuring of the office coffee stations and cafeteria that increased sales by about $200 million.

Come see for yourself! We’re available for tours Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm – no appointment necessary. You’ll be amazed at what a difference a shared workspace with intentional design can do for both your mental and physical health. We welcome you!

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