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Jun 12, 2024

Member Spotlight: GK Risser

Welcome to our latest member spotlight! Today, we are excited to introduce you to Shop SLC Member, GK Risser. GK plays a pivotal role in expanding the US SLED market for an innovative Employee Experience Platform, recently acquired by Zoom. Let’s dive into their experience, insights, and the unique impact The Shop Workspace has on their work and creativity.


1. Tell me more about your company, what do you all do?


I’m opening the US SLED market for an Ireland-based Employee Experience Platform that was recently acquired by Zoom to become part of their suite, so while I’m technically a Zoom employee and do visit San Jose on occasion, I specifically work for Workvivo, which is based in Cork, Ireland. Bringing us onto their platform is part of Zoom’s new focus on creating an engaging internal communications and cultural experience for online, hybrid, and front-line workers.


2. What is your favorite part about the work that you do?

I work in sales and can only align myself to things I believe in and teams I want to be a part of. My job checks those boxes very well. I’ve been a remote or hybrid employee my entire career, and during the pandemic when travel was shut down my work, frankly, got very lonely. It also became harder to be certain you were part of a cohesive team. Workvivo is dedicated to creating an online space that makes employees feel connected and heard. I personally like that ambition. And, I don’t know if you’ve ever been to Ireland but those people can be a lot of fun. They truly do love to sing and dance. At least the people I work with do.

3. How has being a member of The Shop Workspace impacted your work and creativity?


I’m a head-down worker, so I love the 4th Floor. But I like that I can step down to the 3rd Floor where there’s more energy and where I actually run into people I know from around town or other companies I’ve worked for in the past. I also get to meet new people and I love the dogs, even though I’m a cat man myself. You also may actually stumble upon me meditating on the rooftop patio in the morning or drinking a beer up there in the afternoon. A friend owns Church and State and my kids hang out there and at the library a lot so I like being around them and I love getting to walk around downtown when I need to step away.


4. Share a memorable moment or achievement that happened while working at The Shop.


I’ve only been at this job since March and it’s a brand new motion, so every day feels like an incremental achievement that I’m grateful for. But it was also a welcomed sight to run into some friends on my first visit to The Shop.


5. What’s your favorite thing about the community at The Shop Workspace?


Well… my favorite thing in general is the help yourself beer. I do appreciate the staff. And everyone at The Shop in general seems comfortable. So far, nobody seems to be afraid of me. I tend to scowl without knowing it. I’m just solving problems. And if I’m ever talking into Zoom way too loudly while in the phone booths, just let me know.


6. Any advice for fellow members or entrepreneurs considering coworking spaces?


Personally, I think it beats working from home. I’m a vocal advocate for stark boundaries in work-life balance. A friend at Harvard used to study American work-life balance and told me once that all research shows you likely can’t put work away when you only do it from home. That rings true and sounds horrible. I love the rest of my life way too much. I need to close my computer at some point and really put it away. I also find that in a coworking space you get that energy of focus that an office can bring but without everyone in the building feeling and compounding the same tensions work can often create.


7. What are your top three favorite spots in SLC?


1 – Water Witch, and that whole block with those wonderful people; Nohm, Central 9th Market

2 – Marmalade and South Salt Lake are full of beautiful secrets at the moment

3 – The backyard of my little Sugar House bungalow is a pretty cool trip

You heard it here first from GK Risser himself. Pop over to central 9th and be sure to take the step out of your house when working remote. Be sure to say hi and grab a beer with GK Risser next time you see him around The Shop Workspace!

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