It's no secret that The Shop CAC members are a talented set of young professionals making moves in their respected fields.
The Shop caught up with Huzefa Dossaji, VP of Business Development at Certintell Telehealth, to talk about the impact of coworking, future Certintell partnerships, and being a founding member of The Shop.
The Shop caught up with Documentary Lab Manager, Chloe Walters-Wallace about her journey through different fields of the film industry, favorite places to walk around in New Orleans, and why being an independent filmmaker is like working in the tech or start-up world.
The Shop spoke with design duo, Farouki Farouki about upcoming projects, the healthy and inspiring atmosphere of The Shop, and their favorite things to do in New Orleans outside of work.
The Shop caught up with employment attorney, Maggie Spell to talk coworking, food in New Orleans, and her charity work as a board member of Magnolia Community Services.